What is robotic process automation | Ceylon First

What Is Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that allows organizations to automate repetitive, manual, and time-consuming tasks by using software robots, or simply “bots.” The bots are programmed to perform specific tasks and workflows, just like human employees, but can do so faster and more accurately. RPA can be used to automate a wide range …

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Quantum Computing | Ceylon First

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a field of computer science that uses the principles of quantum theory to build computing devices and algorithms. Unlike classical computers, which store and process information using bits represented as binary digits (0s and 1s), quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits. Qubits have some unique properties, such as being able to …

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3D Printing | Ceylon First

3D Printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process in which a three-dimensional object is built up layer by layer from a digital model. The object is created using a variety of materials, including plastics, metals, and composites, which are deposited in very thin layers to form the final shape.3D printing has a wide …

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What Is a Side Hustle | Ceylon First

What Is a Side Hustle

A side hustle is a term used to describe a secondary source of income, usually in addition to a person’s primary job. It is a way to make money on the side, usually by doing something that is creative, entrepreneurial, or passionate. A side hustle can take many forms, such as a part-time job, freelance …

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What Is a Blockchain | Ceylon First

What Is a Blockchain

A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed digital ledger that is used to record transactions across a network of computers. The ledger is secured and maintained by a network of computers that validate and record transactions in blocks, hence the name “blockchain.”Each block contains a unique digital fingerprint, called a “hash,” that links it to the …

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Dose Twitter support web SEO | Ceylon First

Dose Twitter Support Web SEO

Twitter SEO refers to the practice of optimizing your tweets and Twitter profile to improve their visibility and ranking in search engine results for specific keywords and phrases. This includes using relevant keywords, hashtags, and links in your tweets, optimizing your profile description, and engaging with your audience to increase your reach and authority on …

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Intelligent Exoskeletons | Ceylon First

Intelligent Exoskeletons

What are Intelligent exoskeletons? An explanation and in-depth guide Intelligent exoskeletons are wearable devices that are designed to augment human physical capabilities by providing mechanical support and assistance to the wearer’s muscles and joints. The term “intelligent” refers to the use of sensors, computers, and control systems to monitor the wearer’s movements and intentions and …

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Metaverse | Ceylon First


What is the metaverse? An explanation and in-depth guideThe metaverse refers to a virtual world that is created by the convergence of physical and virtual reality. It is a shared digital space where individuals can interact with each other and digital objects in a seemingly real manner, much like in the physical world. The concept …

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What Is Extended Reality | Ceylon First

What Is Extended Reality

Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term that encompasses Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). XR is the simulation of real or imagined environments that allow users to experience a different reality. To use XR, users typically wear a headset that projects the virtual environment in front of their eyes. In …

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Artificial Intelligence | Ceylon First

Artificial Intelligence

AI is the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems, including learning, reasoning and self-correction. It involves the development of algorithms and computer programs that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as recognizing images, translating languages, and making decisions. Artificial intelligence How is it work? AI works by using algorithms and …

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