Total land extent is 14.25 acres and 100 perches paddy field Out of 14.25 acres 12.25 is with 16 years old 850 coconut trees. Balance 2 acres has 120 newly planted trees, 1250 pineapple, 200 teak, 2.5 acres of cinnamon 1 acre of pepper and different kinds of fruits are also available
- Category : Houses
- House Size : 40 Perches
- Adress : Kurunagala
- Appt Size : 14.25 Acres
- Bed : 7
- Bath : 4
- Toilet : 4
- Total land extent is 14.25 acres
- 100 perches paddy field
- Out of 14.25 acres 12.25 is with 16 years old 850 coconut trees
- 2 acres has 120 newly planted trees
- 1250 pineapple
- 200 teak
- 2.5 acres of cinnamon
- 1 acre of pepper and different kinds of fruits
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